Birdathon 2004 total consolidated bird species list

List of 159 avian species seen during any 24 hour period in the week April 12 to April 19. 
Areas "birded" include: Local Tallahassee and Wakulla County areas, San Luis Mission Park, Springhill Road Spray Fields, Tall Timbers Research Station, Wakulla Springs State Park, St Marks NWR, Bald Point, Aligator Point, Carrabelle, St George Island, and Apalachicola. 

 Apalachee Audubon Society, Inc. Spring 2004 Bird-a-thon List (159 species)
Common LoonWilson’s PloverDowny Woodpecker Black-and-white Warbler
Pied-billed GrebeSemipalmated PloverNorthern Flicker Prothonotary Warbler
American White Pelican Killdeer Pileated Woodpecker	 Worm-eating Warbler
Brown PelicanAmerican Oystercatcher Eastern Wood Pewee	 Swainson’s Warbler
Double-crested Cormorant Black-necked Stilt Acadian Flycatcher	 Common Yellowthroat
AnhingaGreater Yellowlegs Great Crested Flycatcher Hooded Warbler
Least BitternLesser YellowlegsEastern Kingbird Summer Tanager
Great Blue Heron Solitary Sandpiper Gray KingbirdScarlet Tanager
Great EgretWillet Purple MartinNorthern Cardinal
Snowy EgretSpotted SandpiperTree Swallow Indigo Bunting
Little Blue HeronWhimbrel Barn Swallow Painted Bunting
Tricolored Heron Marbled Godwit Blue Jay Eastern Towhee
Cattle Egret Ruddy TurnstoneAmerican CrowBachman’s Sparrow
Green HeronSanderling Fish CrowSavannah Sparrow
Black-cowned Night Heron Semipalmated Sandpiper Carolina Chickadee Seaside Sparrow
Wood Stork Western SandpiperTufted TitmouseSong Sparrow
Canada Goose Least SandpiperWhite-breasted NuthatchSwamp Sparrow
Wood DuckDunlin Brown-headed NuthatchWhite-throated Sparrow
Blue-winged Teal Short-billed Dowitcher Carolina WrenRed-winged Blackbird
Northern ShovelerLaughing GullMarsh Wren Boat-tailed Grackle
RedheadBonaparte’s Gull Ruby-crowned Kinglet Common Grackle
Bufflehead Ring-billed Gull Blue-gray GnatcatcherBrown-headed Cowbird
Red-breasted Merganser Herring Gull Eastern Bluebird Orchard Oriole
Black VultureCaspian Tern Wood ThrushHouse Finch
Turkey Vulture Royal Tern Gray Catbird House Sparrow
Osprey Sandwich TernNorthern Mockingbird Mallard
Mississippi Kite Forster’s Tern Brown Thrasher Muscovy Duck
Bald Eagle Least Tern Cedar WaxwingSwallow-tailed Kite
Red-shouldered HawkBlack SkimmerLoggerhead ShrikeNorthern Harrier
Peregrine Falcon Rock DoveEuropean StarlingBlue Grosbeak
Wild TurkeyMourning DoveWhite-eyed Vireo Stilt Sandpiper
Northern BobwhiteCommon Ground-Dove Yellow-throated VireoGreat Horned Owl
Clapper Rail Eurasian Collared Dove Red-eyed Vireo Common Nighthawk
Virginia RailYellow-billed Cuckoo Northern ParulaRuby-throated Hummingbird
Sora Eastern Screech OwlCape May Warbler Eastern Meadowlark
Purple Gallinule Barred Owl Yellow-rumped WarblerHouse Wren
Common Moorhen Chimney SwiftYelow-throated Warbler American Robin
American CootBelted KingfisherPine Warbler American Redstart
Black-bellied Plover Red-headed WoodpeckerPrairie WarblerAmerican Goldfinch
Snowy Plover Red-bellied Woodpecker Palm Warbler