To sign up for this trip, or if you have any questions, email, and please include your mobile phone number.
Our scenic trek will span diverse wooded habitats and features a stream complete with waterfalls, babbling brook, and lagoon. We’ll begin at the Redbug trailhead and decline steadily until reaching the stream where we’ll follow it for approximately a mile. This stream is a reliable spot for migrating Waterthrushes and mixed species flocks are often found flitting around, actively foraging in its vicinity. We’ll be keying in on these flocks in search of migrants like Hooded, Prairie, and Prothonotary Warblers, and American Redstarts, as well as Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos, and Summer Tanagers.
Hooded Warbler. Photo by Adam Brandemihl, Audubon Photography Awards.
Once we stray from the stream and begin our loop back to the ballpark, we could find migrant species like Worm-eating and Kentucky Warblers, Acadian Flycatchers and Eastern Wood-Pewees, and possibly some thrushes. If we’re really lucky we could even see a Rose-breasted Grosbeak or Scarlet Tanager on the latter half of our trip.
Phipps Park is located in the Red Hills region and our walk will reflect this. Expect moderate elevation changes (by Florida standards), and hard clay trails characterized by trip hazards.
Overall the walk will be about four miles, and we’ll plan to spend an hour birding each one. Bring plenty of bug spray and water.
10 people max, 4 hours, 4 miles